G%C5%8Dgen Yamaguchi

Jitsumi Ggen Yamaguchi , also known as Ggen Yamaguchi, was a Japanese martial artist and student of Gjry Karate under Chjun Miyagi. He was one of the most wellknown karated masters from Japan and he founded the International Karated Gj Kai Association.

According to his autobiographical work Karate Gojry by the Cat Tokyo, Japan , Ggen Yamaguchi was born on Januaryin 1909 in Miyakonoj Shonai, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan, near Kagoshima City on the island of Kysh. In his 5th year of primary school Yamaguchi commenced his karated training under the guidance of Takeo Maruta, a carpenter joiner from Okinawa. Maruta was a Gjry practitioner.

Source: Wikipedia